Grant Writing

Grants written by IDS have generated more than $100 million in funding over the last 20 years including almost every Federal grant funded through the U.S. Department of Education

  1. Identify grants aligned to needs of organization.
  2. Provide literature reviews to research evidence-based practice to inform project design and implementation.
  3. Analyze trends in student achievement over time.
  4. Compare local data to County and State data.
  5. Analyze Census data over time to contextualize community characteristics and compare to state and national data.

Successful Federal Grants written by IDS include:


  • Safe Schools/Healthy Students (twice)

  • Teaching American History

  • Elementary and Secondary Counseling

  • Foreign Language Assistance

  • Mentoring

  • Readiness and Emergency Management (twice)

  • Character Education

  • Threat Assessment (DOJ)

  • Mental Health Assistance (DOJ) (twice)



New York State Education Department grants garnered for our clients included:


  • Strengthening Teacher and Leader Effectiveness (11)

  • Pathways to Technology (P-Tech)

  • 21st Century Community Learning Centers (3)

  • Adult Basic Education

  • Pre-School Education

  • Comprehensive School Reform

  • ESL Civics

  • Learning Technology (4)