Renée J. Blumstein, Ph.D.
Committed to Excellence and Equity in Education for All

A graduate of Columbia University’s Ph.D. program in Educational Measurement, Evaluation, and Statistics. Dr. Blumstein has successfully applied her qualitative and quantitative skills to a host of different organizations including the largest corporations in the U.S. However, she finds the most satisfaction working with schools to identify and implement programs and practices to enhance their curricula and policies so that their students are able to reach their full potential.
For six years, while in graduate school, Dr. Blumstein worked full-time in the Office of Institutional Research at the City College of New York (CCNY). One of her many achievements in that position was designing and managing a data collection system for the minimum competency testing program that was in response to the open admissions policies enacted by the City University of New York.
Dr. Blumstein’s skills were also in demand in the private sector. After receiving her doctorate, she was retained by AT&T to develop simulation tests to select telemarketing sales personnel. She was then hired by Citicorp where she validates the effectiveness of credit scores to predict customer profitability.

She has worked with school districts and other non-profit organizations to identify needs, develop programs, locate funding sources, and win competitive grants funded at the State and Federal levels, totaling over $100 million.
Dr. Blumstein founded Informed Decision Services, Inc. in 1987 to pursue her continuing interest in education and public policy research and evaluation. Her most important early client was the New York City Board of Education. For the next seven years she participated in research and evaluation studies of programs such as the Attendance Improvement/ Dropout Prevention Program designed to increase student attendance in middle school, a crucial time for many students. Her work was instrumental in identifying school variables that moderated program success, even in schools with the most challenging student populations. She left New York City to become an evaluation consultant in Newark, New Jersey, when control of their school board was taken over by the State government in 1994.
: Dr. Blumstein has been a valuable asset to institutions that serve high needs populations. She has worked with school districts and other non-profit organizations to identify needs. develop programs, locate funding sources and win competitive grants funded at the State and Federal levels, totaling over $100 million. In addition, she works with these entities to measure program outcomes using qualitative and quantitative data collection techniques.

Dr. Blumstein was on the faculty of the City University of New York for twelve years where she taught New York City teachers to conduct research in their classrooms and adapt their instruction based on research outcomes.